23 November 2010

Mrs.Yuko O'Reilly - Wolfhound Mom

Many followers of my blog don't know Wolfhound history which is how I got Yuko O'Reilly as one of my moms.  (I seem to have a lot of moms!)  Please check out these links that show how Yuko became the Regimental mom.

http://www.wolfhounds-peacebridge.org/history.html#bio tells about Hugh O'Reilly and his involvement with Holy Family Home in Osaka, Japan.  It was in Japan that he met Yuko and she married into the Wolfhound 'ohana (family).  She's still stuck with us and we're blessed by her.

The movie "Three Stripes in the Sun" (1955)  would now be called a docudrama as it is about Hugh O'Reilly and the Wolfhounds with a bit of cinematic license taken here and there.  Yuko's character is in there too.  The movie was based upon the article "The Gentle Wolfhound" by E. J. Kahn published in the May 9, 1953 issue of The New Yorker http://www.newyorker.com/archive/1953/05/09/1953_05_09_075_TNY_CARDS_000240692 .

School is pau (done, over)!

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