13 November 2010

I'm swimming!

The parents remembered the camera and I was a bit more prepared.  Lots of photos since they tell more than words can.

Really, Lady?  Do I look excited and ready?

This seems far enough and I didn't mess up my fur-do.

I'm not going any where, but it's getting deeper. 
What's up with that and may I go now?

It's good that one of us really loves it here. 
I will too... eventually... in my own time... when it suits me....

Does the photo speak volumes or do I need to tell you
how I feel about this ocean-with-huge-surf thing?
Check out these waves!!

So, Isabella, I'm going out, you want to come in.
One of us needs to get out of the way and you know who is smaller.

The toy thing does tempt me to play.

O.K. You got me. Let's play!

I'm gonna get you!!

C'mon, give me the floaty toy, pleeeezzze.
I'm doing my best cute look with puppy dog eyes.

Not a glamour shot, but I'm having too fun much to care!

Madeline thinks she'll get me to go out farther
if she throws the floaty toy out there.

Thankfully, she loves me no matter what.

And she decides there is more than one way to get me totally wet.
It's hot out here today!

I caved.
I'm swimming out to Mom and she's happier than I am about it.

That was far enough so I'm coming back into shore.

I'm wet. Are you happy now?
I'm not sure how I feel about it yet.

The water feels pretty good. I'll walk out to Madeline and Mom.

Is this really a good time to pose for photos, Dad?
I'm also checking to make sure the shore is right where I left it.

Bunny ears on a dog, Madeline?  Really?
(I think Jane gave me a very strange family.
I love 'em, but they're on the odd side.)

I like it when Mom holds me in the water.
I'm cool and I get to relax.

She gently pushes me toward shore.
I'm doing so well!

Much more graceful than my first few times swimming.
(I may even be smiling.)
Check this out!  Dad caught me on video.

Mom is SO proud of me.

Everyone is proud of me!

Soggy doggy.  This water is not like my dog dish water.

Ah, the dog days of summer... NOPE!
It's Hawai'i and these are the dog days of autumn!
Life in paradise.

Busy afternoon. Need nap. No matter that I'm still sitting.

Cut my nap short to eye a plastic bag blowing down the beach.
Is it worth chasing?  Not today. Maybe another day.
(No wonder I'm always on a leash!)


Mom telling me how much she loves me.
We do this a lot.

Needed to stretch.

Hey, what are you doing there?

Since I like to lean on Mom or be right next to/on her,
she found a way for us both to be happy.
I'm really, really close to her and she gets a beach pillow.

This way we both get some rest.

Dad thinks any view with me in it is better than one without.
I agree and humor him by waking up.

How many more photos, Dad?

My furry sister joins the nap.
We help keep Mom warm since the sun
is setting and the wind is picking up.
She says it must be nearly 75 degrees cold
with the wind chill factor and we're wet! bbrrrr...

I'm trying to kiss you.  Why are you making an icky face?
(Answer: You're sandy. Spitty and sandy.)

I smell BBQ.

If I can't eat the BBQ, then I'll go back to sleep and dream about it.

End of my second day at the beach.
Rough life.  Or is that ruff life?
Much aloha to you and mahalo for stopping by...
Kolchak XV, the swimming King of the Wolfhounds!


  1. REminds me of a song we used to sing:
    "We had joy.
    We had fun.
    We had seasons in the sun."

  2. This I a great site I used to help take of kolchaks 6and7 glad to xv. Is being taken care of. Wolfhound no fear on earth

  3. I am looking got see if there are any THE BARK Newsletters available circa 1930's in pdf format or can be scanned.

    I know my grandfathers was with the 27th in 1934 and 1935 for sure from the pictures I have.
