07 November 2010

Beach Day!

Aloha!  I went to the beach for the first time and it was... scary fun.  I was quite a sight for folks there.  Lots of people asked what I was.  Seriously?  I'm a dog.  Duh.  Some people say I look like a greyhound mixed with collie.  Puhleeze!  I guess there aren't many Borzoi out here since we're more meant for snow and I don't see any snow here.  Maybe I'll see snow soon.  Folks keep saying it's cold and winter is nearly here.

I didn't like the sound of the water going up on the beach.  We were in a bay, but the water still moves.  Mom got me slowly closer to the water without even dragging me.  I did sit down a few times, but I relented and walked with her, a few steps at a time.

Finally, I was clear up to my toenails in it!  Bet you're impressed.  Eventually, I went far enough in that all four feet were wet.  I am so brave!  Then, when I was in about 3-4" of water, I turned around to face the beach and saw this enormous wave coming at me from the beach!  It was HUGE - at least 1-2 inches high!!  Can you imagine?!  I was so frightened of it, I turned back to face the ocean and ran right in.  You wouldn't believe my surprise when I realized the bottom fell out of the ocean.  I had to swim and I didn't know where to go.  I swam a few small cirlces and then Mom called me back (even though I was on my 30 foot leash).  I was so relieved to get out of the water, I ran until my 30' ran out.  When I turned around to see what all the noise was about, it was my family and a few bystanders holding their stomachs while laughing hysterically.  I don't know what was so funny, but I overheard something about the look of surprise on my face and my lack of swimming finesse.  Hmph.  See how they would do swimming while trying to out run a virtual tsunami!!

After the laughter subsided, I returned to my mom (who was still snickering) and we sat in the sand for a very long time.  She tried to get me to get close to the water, but there was no way... until I saw Isabella repeatedly fetching our toy.  I really wanted to go with her.  I don't fetch toys, but it's fun to run after her.  Eventually, I caved and got closer to the water.  Then, something possessed me and I just ran right into the water, swam a bigger circle, and made a dash for the beach again.  I must have swam for a whole ten seconds!!  I'm just so impressed with my progress.  So is my family.  They didn't think I'd ever get back in the water.

That was the end of swimming today.  I spent the rest of the time sniffing sand, watching Isabella fetch her various beach toys and try to get me to join her.  Eventually, she tired out and we laid with Mom in the sand.  I hear I make a great pillow.  I like to being a pillow because I get pet all over! 

I did whine quite a bit when I saw a snack playing on the beach.  It was a nice, juicy, white chihuahua.  You know, the dog breed made for the stairs and sitting in the car with people?  Unfortunately, his mom picked him up and left with my snack.  Then everyone, except for me, took showers before getting into the car.  While this was going on, a guy had a little puppy and, despite my mom's warnings, he kept putting this puppy by my face.  Nose to nose!  I was good and didn't eat him.  It was hard.  I just look so sweet that no one suspects I'd eat their pet.  My family praised me a lot for not eating the puppy.  I think if I weren't on a leash I would have had two great snacks today. 

Finally, Mom washed me.  Madeline and Mom would like to share their instructions on how to wash me or any Borzoi (Russian Wolfhound).  During all of these steps, praise me for how good I am to tolerate a hose shower.

1. Wet me
2. Wet me more
3. Wet me more (I have a wicked undercoat)
4. Lather
5. Really, really work those fingers, therefore shampoo, into my mess of fur.  My fur is sand-velcro.
6. Rinse.
7. Rinse.
8-35. Rinse and use hands to squeegie me.
36. Let me shake.
37. Tell me to shake.
38. Towel dry my head so I want to shake some more.
39. Towel dry me.
40. Let me shake.
41. Get another towel and repeat.
42. Get another towel and repeat.
43. Get a towel and dry my tail.  It needs its own towel!
43. Let me shake.
44. Fluff me up with yet another towel.
45. Let me in the house so I can go crazy like a Mexican Jumping Bean.
46. Thank you staff, you are done because you are done with me.  Your back hurts, you smell like dead fish (ocean) and wet dog, and you are covered in sand and fur.  You look awful, but I look and smell like the king that I am. 

It was a busy day so I'm off to bed already.  Hopefully, I will see some of you at the Veteran's Day Parade in Wahiawa on Thurday morning.  Look for me, OK?  I'll be marching with some of my fellow Wolfhounds.


  1. Glad to hear that this Kolchak is apparently a bit more civilized than the Kolchak which reigned when my husband was a Wolfhound (mid-late '70s). That Kolchak ate the Golden Dragons mascot & bit the Bobcat in half during formation!

    He sure is gorgeous (or should I say handsome), either way. With the colors & pattern, I can see why some people might mistake him for a collie mix, but people who know dogs know the Borzoi - & don't put small animals of any species in front of them without asking if it's OK 1st, LOL! I'm looking forward to telling hubby that the current Kolchak has his own blog, & hoping to show it to him sometime soon (he's at the V.A. Med. Ctr. & doesn't have computer access at this time).

  2. You can tell people who say you look like a collie X greyhound, that they have it backwards. There is no collie in borzoi, but there IS borzoi behind collie. It happened a long time ago, in the early 1800's, I think.
    As for the towels, tell your staff to get you Sham-Wows, or something like that, a synthetic chamois. That way, they can wring it out & keep on drying.
    For a boost in confidence in the water, refer to Cousin Melissa's blog; she's a real water zoi. As a matter of fact, if you're like most borzoi, you'll come to love water, too.
