02 November 2010

Hauʻoli lā hānau to me! I'm one year old today!!!

I'm thankful I get to celebrate my first birthday as Kolchak XV.  Mahalo Jane for sending me here.  Mahalo Wolfhounds for allowing me represent you.  I'm a blessed Russian Wolfhound!

Here's some photos of me doing what I do best.

Who broke the dog? Which way am I really facing?

Relaxing while tolerating my furry sister.
I don't think there is a dog bed out there that really fits me.

I like to sleep with my feet up.

Hanging out on my bed.

Me at our homeschool.  I'm listening... really!
Back to napping... aloha until next time!


  1. So glad to see you have arrived safely in your new home. O know that soon you will only smile when you hear that thunderous applause. Tell the two-footed staff when you need to go outside & no more "deposits" in the house. Very un-borzoi! If they get you a bell to ring, you can let them know that way. Read all about learning steps in Chris Danker & Melissa's blog. Melissa is a Borscanna dog rom Sweden, too; I wouldn't be surprised if you were cousins!

  2. Aloha Joy!

    Yes, we have all had our learning curve. Applause will be part of my life and I'm working on getting used to all things military and Hawaiian. It's hard with all these changes all at once.

    I didn't like to "go" outside because there isn't grass and the smells and noises were overwhelming. I waited over 36 hours from when I left D.C. until I went. Now, I'm used to Hawai'i, going on dirt or coral dust, and no more presents! I also learned to tell my humans (don't let them know that they are staff!) that I want to go out by going to the door and giving a quick howl. Boy, that sure makes them happy! Now I even ask to go out and play. I killed my sister's fish yesterday and his stuffy guts are all over the yard. That was fun!

    Mom loves that blog - especially because Melissa has a yellow Lab sibling too. I don't know if Melissa's my cousin, but my parents hope so because she loves water and we have lots of that here.

    Mahalo for helping to train my staff... uh... errr... my family! Aloha!

  3. It's very difficult to tell just how you & Melissa are related because of the way the Borscana litters are listed without pedigrees (borzoi family trees), but I think it's safe to say you are cousins. And, guess what?! Two more of your likely cousins are coming from CA to Joyous Gard in PA next week. Their mama flew from Sweden to CA when she was just a little girl (12 weeks or so). Now she has had puppies herself, and two of them are coming back east to me in PA. One thing's for sure: Borzoi sure do get around!

  4. That would be lovely--except that I think puppies from the mainland would have to stay in dog jail, which does not sound lovely at all. You were very fortunate to be excused from that i guess because you are a military hound.

  5. Oh, Joy, no jail necessary. There is a six month, expensive process before a pet flies to be allowed to do Direct Release rather than 4 months in quaratine. My sister did Direct Release too. Military hound or not, Hawai'i doesn't want rabies so they make all of us jump through the same hoops. Still, I know I won't have a family reunion. That's too much work! I'm sure glad Jane did it for me.
