27 November 2010

Kolchak Kollar

Mahalo nui loa to my Auntie Carol for the most handsome Borzoi collar a military man could wear. 
Is that for me?
My first mail!!!

What do I do now?  I don't have thumbs, you know.

My sister smelling my new collar to make sure it's OK.

Isn't this beautiful?!?
This will match my Kolchak Kape to a tee.

Side view. 
It's sort of embarrassing that I'm just a PV2 (Private Second Class).
I hope I get promoted soon so I can trade in my mosquito wings.

Mom just can't stop taking photos.  My kollar just looks so good.

My Kolchak Kollar without me in it.
Did I mention it is fuzzy lined? And it comes with the leash attached.
Carol made the lining velcro open on one side so we can change my rank.
(hint, hint Uncles Dan and Royce)
Mahalo nui loa and lots of aloha, Auntie Carol!

1 comment:

  1. How handsome! I know you will wear it with pride and do honor to all the Kolchaks who've gone before you. Be proud. You're a Borzoi.
