05 November 2010

More of me...

Can you stand any more of me?

My human sister is trying to hug me
while my fuzzy sister wants in on the action.

I am so loved every day, but especially on my birthday.

Cat patrol.
My sister barks and I've got her back if they attack.
The day after my birthday, I went with Dad (1SG Crump) to work at 5am.  That's an ugly hour.  I wanted to stay in bed, but hopped right in back of our tiny car like I'd done it a thousand times.

I spent some of my day with Dad.  For PT, he walked me.  Dad brought my blanket so I had a bed in his office.  When he stepped out, I decided his pile of uniforms, blankets, jackets, towels, and socks bound for Afghanistan made a much more comfortable napping space.  He laughed that he won't miss me when he's gone because he'll forever have my fur with him!

During the morning and afternoon, I went to hang out with Uncle Royce (CSM Manis) and Uncle Dan (LTC Wilson).  I really enjoyed my time with them.  Other people came into their offices so it was a good opportunity to meet my fellow Wolfhounds.  Dad had to come get me or they would've kept me.  I wouldn't mind, but my family would have missed me.  Besides, I was ready for a nap.  When Mom picked me up around 4pm, I was exhausted!

More excitement yesterday.  Easy, President of the Wolfhound Historical Society, came to visit me.  SPC Smart picked him up at the Hale Koa in Waikiki and they drove all the way out to Wai'anae to see me.  How thoughtful!

Easy and me; two handsome Wolfhounds.

Easy and SPC Smart checking me out

This is how I see most people!

I decided I wanted to sit with Madeline on a chair built for one.
I think she thinks I'm silly.

Just hanging out with my sister...

"What? Dogs don't sit like this?
You should have said something earlier."

I warmed up to Easy about the time he needed to leave.
Next time, he should stay longer!
 Our family got coins.
Front of 27th Infantry Regiment Historical Society's coin

Tail (pun intended) of the coin.
Easy left four coins on the ottoman.  I chose mine without asking.  Dad went to collect them after they saw Easy and SPC Smart to the door.  There were only 3 of the 4 left.  Then he saw the plastic envelope it came in on the floor.  It was slimy with slobber.  THEN he checked my bed.  How did he guess?  There was my coin laying slimed on my blanket.  No harm done, but no one else wants the slimy coin.  I don't care.  It was my first coin and I just wanted to have it right away!  Mom said she'll put it my baby book.

By the way, mahalo nui loa to the 27th Infantry Regiment Historical Society for defraying some of the costs of getting me there.  I hope to meet more of you guys!  Wolfhounds forever!!


  1. Yo Kolchak!

    It was great meeting you. It is always good seeing your Dad. It was really nice meeting your Mom; human Brother and Sister and your furry sister. I appreiate you taking time from your nap to visit with me and Spc Smart. By the way we both enjoyed our time with you and the family.

    I especially enjoyed watching your furry sister walking under you. I also liked the way you let her know that you didn't have time to play toss the rope because you were entertaining guest.

    It was special watching all the love you are getting in your new home. I look forward to more visits. Maybe, before my wife(Doris) and I leave for the mainland.

    Again, welcome to the Regiment
    Take care, Wolfhounds Forever

  2. It was worth missing a few Zs to meet you, Easy. You and Doris are welcome any time!
