19 December 2010

HHC Christmas Party 3 Dec.

We've had torrential rain so it's a time to be inside on the computer instead of playing in the mud. The parents don't like it when I'm muddy, but I sure like to get muddy!  I guess I'm sort of grounded from the yard so it's time to have fun blogging, remembering a fun day with HHC. Better late than never?  Sorry guys (and gals)!

Left, right, left, right, left....
(Dad, this isn't a road march, you know.)

First I sniff you...

... then you pet me.
Win, win!

More pets from a pretty girl!

We're both saying to ourselves, "What are you?"

You taste yummy.

My nose is a target for little folks!

I like that you walk on all fours too!
And what do you have?  Where did you get it?
Most importantly, are you going to share?

Yeah!!!  You shared!  Crumbs!  My favorite.

It's seems Mrs. O'Reilly is creeped out by Santa Claus.

Given a few minutes, she warmed up to him just a bit. (Brave woman.)

Now it's my turn with creepy Santa.
Dad? Where are you going? You're leaving me with this guy?

Hey, he smells kind of familiar... like I know him from somewhere... hmmmm....

I like to be rubbed by Wolfpups.  I'm just distracted by all the action.

My profile pose.

Hey, she's a cutie pie!!
I had a fun day!  Mahalo nui loa for inviting me to your party.

Most of my Wolfhound friends are in Iraq or on leave now.  I hope this post finds them safe and happy wherever they are. 

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