11 December 2010

2-27 Christmas Party

I get invited to lots of Christmas parties and I love it.  Mahalo to Michell Hall for some photos of my day today.  Hope yours was as wonderful as mine.

Three Wolfpups, Nathan, Tony, and Brydi, petting me.
I'm a very petted Borzoi!

So, we've already questioned the sanity of my staff... errr... ummm... family.
This just goes to show how silly my dad is.  I think we're doing a two-step. 
Where has my dignity gone?  Fun beats dignity hands down!
Hey, who's leading here?
Dad "claims" this was to show how big I am.
Sure, Dad, sure. Whatever you say.

Have you been a good boy Kolchak?
Yes, Santa, I only pooped in the house once and it wasn't my fault.  Ask Mom.
I've been chewing the furniture less too. I'm learning to stay out of the kitchen when
my family bakes and when they say "go," I leave... mostly... reluctantly. But I do go!! The rest of my time is spent hanging out with Wolfhounds at work, playing, and napping.  I've even learned to share my stuffies and not eat my sister's food. 
Good boy Kolchak!  I think you deserve something in your stocking.
What would you like to see Christmas morning?
Oh, Santa!  Many mahalos!  My stocking is quite big and I'd
love to see it filled with stuffies and dog treats.
I think I can do that, Hoakoa, Soldier's Friend. 
Mele Kalikimaka to you and your Wolfhound family.

The best part of my day was this kiss from one of my smaller Wolfpups.
My parents were so proud that I let this small person gently take my face
and plant a wet one on me without balking.  This is Mom's favorite photo ever.
It shows what a good boy I am even though I'm still a toddler. 
That's it for me tonight.  This partying stuff makes me tired so I'm off to bed.  Mom reminded me that I still have to post about the HHC party last week. Oh, a Borzoi's life is never dull!  Mahalo for stopping by!

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