01 April 2011


Aloha from CPL (Corporal) Kolchak!  I got promoted today!!!

Here's the whole thing...

Grandpa Royce telling us all why we're here.
Dad's comforting me since my mom is a whole ten feet away.

Grandpa Royce (now as CSM Manis) telling why I'm getting promoted -
I'm a good dog, he loves me, I have a great disposition,
he loves me....

Grandpa says, "Publish the orders."
Then the tall guy (forgot his name) says, "Attention the orders."
All the army guys stand at attention.
Then he reads this from my Uncle Dan (LTC Wilson).
It says:
The United States Army has reposed special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity, and professional excellence of Kolchak XV. In view of these qualities and dedicated service to the 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment (The Wolfhounds) and the US Army, he is, therefore promoted from Private to Corporal. With an effective date of rank of 31 March 2011.

                                                [something scribbley]
                                                DANIEL B. WILSON
                                                LTC, IN

The reading of the orders.
I think Grandpa is really proud of me and happy that I'm being promoted.
I'm glad Grandpa is happy and I just want to go play.

Off with the old mosquito wings.

Thank you to Carol for the velcro on my Kolchak Kollar
 so they can change my rank easily.
If not for that, we'd have been here for hours.
Can you believe these same men
are allowed to carry weapons?!  ;-)

See how great my Kolchak Kape looks?
I'm a handsome dude in uniform too.
And I'm behaving really well for all this standing around.
(Army = hurry up and wait)

Seriously? How long can this take?

The ceremony finished and then these guys talked about work stuff.
I don't suppose it was top-secret, but my sister and I listened in anyway.

My grandpa Royce is animated like Uncle Dan.
And how 'bout this new uniform pattern?
Just when a guy gets used to the digital patten, this comes out.

Mom and I rub noses so you can see my new rank.
Double mosquito wings!!!

A close up of my bling, bling!

Madeline helps me show off my bling while comforting me.
This is what older sisters are for.
After the ceremony, Isabella and I got treated to some play time at the baseball field.  Mom finally remembered the camera that takes video.  Most of my guys haven't seen the real speed of a Borzoi.  Now some of the Wolfhounds that read this can see the speed at which I run.  Betcha I could max out the run in a PT test! Check out these two videos:

As soon as I'm done playing, I let my staff know it's time to go home
by sitting next to the gates. Fairly obvious, even for humans.

My human sister and I cool down.

While Dad, Mom, and Madeline went to the mess hall,
Isabella and I hung out in my army home.
My fellow Wolfhounds are sooo busy today preparing
to deploy. There are already some in country.

Isabella and I are ready to go home.
It's been a full day.

I help Mom drive.

O.K. So I am really up here for some loving.
It worked.

I like to watch the view go by once we get out in the country.

It took me about 2 seconds to find my favorite
patch of tile and start doing what I do best. Sleeping.
As I said, the other half of the Wolfhounds are leaving. Now my heart is in Iraq with 1-27 and in Afghanistan with 2-27.  If you're the praying type, as I am, please include all the Wolfhounds in your prayers.
Mahalo nui loa for stopping by...
Korporal Kolchak XV


  1. Yo Kolchak!

    Congradulations on your promotion! Sorry, I missed it but I was at Hickman seeing off our Wolfhounds who were flying out. Hope I get to see you again before I return to California.

    Again, Congradulations!

  2. Congratulations to my favorite furry nephew on your promotion to Corporal. Now, whenever someone in your family misbehaves, you can dish out some corporal punishment. At this rate, your should outrank your dad pretty soon. Then you can see who has to 'sit' and 'stay'.

    Great work! Take care of the Wolfhounds!
